Health product recall

Rotawire Drive Guidewire And Wireclip Torquer

Last updated


Rotawire Drive Guidewire And Wireclip Torquer
Medical devices - Quality issue
What to do

Contact the manufacturer if you require additional information.

Affected products

Affected Products

Lot or Serial Number

Model or catalog number

Rotawire Drive Guidewire And Wireclip Torquer, Extra Support

More than 10 numbers, contact manufacturer.


Rotawire Drive Guidewire And Wireclip Torquer, Floppy

More than 10 numbers, contact manufacturer.



Boston Scientific is conducting a removal of specific batches of rotawire drive and wireclip torquer after determining that a small number of pouches containing these products may have a weak seal, which could open during normal shipping and handling and thus compromise the sterile barrier. Use of a rotawire drive product from a package with a sterile barrier breach may present a risk of infection. The most serious health risk that could occur from use of a non-sterile rotawire drive is a post-procedure endocarditis or access site infection that could be managed with medical evaluation and treatment with oral or intravenous antibiotics. We have received one complaint related to this issue and there have been no patient harms or adverse events reported.

Recall start date: Mar 8, 2022

Additional information

Original published date:
Alert / recall type
Health product recall
Health products - Medical devices - Cardiovascular

Boston Scientific Corporation

300 Boston Scientific Way, Marlborough, Massachusetts

United States, 01752

Published by
Health Canada
General public
Health professionals
Recall class
Type II
Identification number

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